Invest in your community through your local United Way.
Individual giving
Make an individual or family gift
One time gift donation (mail in, online, or over the phone)
Pledges can be billed quarterly ($50 minimum)
Employee giving
Make a one time gift, bill me donation ($50 minimum) or participate in a payroll deduction program.
It’s so easy through a payroll deduction!
Consider giving your fair share (one hour’s pay per month).
Ask your employer for the opportunity.
If you work outside Cooke County, ask to designate to Cooke County United Way, our number is 46325
If you are employed by the State of Texas or the US Government.
Our Charity Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) # 28826, Our Charity State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) # 291000
Join the Chisholm Trail Club!
Trailblazer - $5,000 and up
Scout - $2,000 - $4,999
Wagon Master - $1,000 to $1,999
Wagon Driver - $500 to $999
By giving to the Cooke County United Way, you combine the strength of our agencies to find the best answers to life's toughest problems.